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First Medical Mission - 2003
Second Medical Mission - 2004
MIFT Tsunami Relief Efforts
Press Conference - 2005
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  UofJ Medical Fac.
  Online Members

2011 Tamil Health Forum in Montreal

MIFT Committee Members [2011]

CMDDA/MIFT Annual Members Picnic - July 9 & 10, 2011

Scarborough Tamil Health Forum is on Sun. June 05, 2011.

Ottawa Tamil Health Forum is on May 28, 2011.

CME/AGM 2011

About MIFT
"Medical Institute For Tamils" (MIFT) is an officially registered non-profit cooperation representing Tamil speaking medical and dental professionals in North America. 

How 2 Navigate
To navigate our website, please click on the links found at the top of each page and the links in the tabs, These links will follow you as you navigate through. Also, once click on to a section, links of the pages under that section will appear in the left most column of each page.

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   Frequently Asked Questions   

1. What does MIFT stand for?
 MIFT stands for "Medical Institute For Tamils".
2. When was the MIFT established?
 MIFT was established in November 1998. Click here for more information.
3. Why was the MIFT established? What are its objectives?
 MIFT is to coordinate & represent Tamil speaking Medical/Dental/other health professionals in North America. Please click here to browse our objectives.
4. Is MIFT a registered organization?
 Yes. MIFT is an officially registered non-profit corporation in Ontario, Canada. Registration number is 1356500. Charitable status to be obtained in the future.
5. Is MIFT a political organization?
 No! MIFT is an organization for health professionals. It is a humanitarian organization with an objective to help the Tamil population with their health care needs.
6. Who can join MIFT online?
 Health professionals from anywhere in the world interested in helping/ providing health care needs to the Tamil community. Click here to see how to become an MIFT online member.


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